
Author’s POV,

In the tranquil night, Pihu's heart brimmed with joy as she received the long-awaited news of her internship in her dream company. Overflowing with excitement, she couldn't wait to share this momentous achievement with her beloved family. Meanwhile, in the serene city of Varanasi, her family members gathered together, their hearts filled with hope and prayers, eagerly awaiting Pihu's phone call. They were well aware of the relentless dedication and hard work she had poured into pursuing her dreams. Each passing moment intensified their anticipation, as they yearned to hear her voice and bask in her happiness. In the depths of their prayers, they beseeched the universe to grant Pihu the success she so deserved.

On the Phone call,

Pihu: "Hello, Mummy!"

Neha: “Hello, Beta (Child)! How are you feeling? Did it go well? Were you selected? Oh, I'm so excited to hear your news! But even if things didn't work out, remember that we're always here for you, supporting you."

Pihu: "Mummy, please, let me speak!"

Dev: "Yes, Neha, let her share her excitement. Go ahead, beta."

Pihu: "Mummy, Papa, guess what? I got selected! Can you believe it? I'm going to start my internship on Monday! I can't even express how thrilled I am. Where are my mischievous brothers? I didn't hear them congratulating me. I bet they're planning something to tease me."

Neha: "Oh, my child! We are absolutely overjoyed for you! And don't worry, your brothers are in their room, buried in their homework. They'll come out soon. You know how much we all miss you here."

Pihu: "I miss all of you too, mummy. Can't wait to be back home and celebrate with everyone."

Aakash and Aniket: "Congratulations, Didi!" (shouting)

Pihu: "Hold on, hold on, you two Bandhars (monkeys)! Stop screaming. I thought my eardrums were going to burst! Mom, see? I told you they were up to something. But let's forget about that. Now, tell me how you both are doing and how your studies are progressing."

Akash: "Didi, we're doing great! We're working hard and preparing for our upcoming board exams. We'll make sure to secure good marks. You just focus on chasing your dreams. And don't worry, we'll take care of mom and dad, especially making sure mom takes her medicines on time."

Pihu: "Aww, my smart Bandars! I'm so proud of you both. Keep up the good work!"

Dev: "Beta, it's getting late. You must be exhausted from the day's excitement. Get some rest, my dear."

Pihu: "Yes, Papa, I'm tired, but I couldn't sleep without sharing this amazing news with all of you. How could I? Okay, goodnight everyone."

Neha and Dev: "Goodnight, Pihu."

Akash and Aniket: "Goodnight, Didi."

As Pihu drifted off to sleep, happiness and anticipation filled her heart. She dreamed of a future filled with success and fulfillment. Little did she know that lurking in the shadows, a storm was gathering, ready to challenge her dreams and test her resilience.


In another part of Mumbai city, a man named Rudra sat comfortably in the dimly lit nightclub, his cold eyes fixated on the brutal scene before him. His face remained devoid of any remorse or empathy, instead reviling in the pain, screams, and fear that engulfed the room.

Rudra said as his voice dripping with sadistic pleasure "Tell me, Bose, you know what I hate the most is betrayal. So, tell me, whom are you helping? Or else, your death will be even more painful."

As Bose said fear and desperation evident in his trembling voice "No, Boss, I will tell you everything. Please, don't do anything to my family. I revealed your shipment to the Eagle Gang. They are the ones who stole it, Boss. Please, I beg you, don't harm my family. Give me one more chance, please."

Rudra leaning back on his chair, as his gaze shifting to his loyal companion, Scar and said "Veer, just give him to Scar. He hasn't had any prey to feast on these days."

Veer, understanding the order, nods in compliance.

Bose screaming and pleading, his voice filled with terror as he said while begging in front of Rudra on his knees "No, Boss, please! I'll do anything! Spare my family!"

Rudra's lips curled into a twisted smile, exuding a sinister pleasure that sent chills down Bose's spine. His voice carried a sadistic undertone as he revealed in the desperation before him."Ah, Bose, your begging is like music to my ears. It reaffirms my power, reminding me that I am untouchable. In my dark world, no one can challenge me, or they will witness a deadly fate."

Behind his facade of cruelty, Rudra concealed his own fear and the fragments of his broken soul. Each act of brutality served as a shield, protecting him from the vulnerabilities that lay hidden within. In the depths of his dark world, he was determined to maintain an illusion of invincibility, unaware that destiny was plotting to unravel his carefully constructed facade.

Bose in desperate and broken voice pleaded to him "Please, Boss, I never meant to cross you. I was just trying to protect my family."

Unbeknownst to Rudra, destiny had other plans for him. Little did he know that someone would enter his dark realm and attempt to mend his shattered soul. The question remained, however, whether this person would be able to save themselves from being consumed by the very darkness they sought to challenge.

The air hung heavy with impending doom, as the path towards salvation intertwined with the depths of darkness.





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Pooja Gupta

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I am writer on wattpad, however, now I am currently uploading my book here. I hope you all support me in this writing journey and give contribution. So, I can write more stories in the future.

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Pooja Gupta

I am accountant by profeesion. But like to write in my free time.