
Author's POV,

Time skip 1 month,

One month had passed since Shivani and Pihu started working at Rathore Empire, and they decided it was time to celebrate their accomplishments. They planned to visit a mall together for some leisure time. As they arrived at the mall, Shivani enthusiastically delved into her shopping spree, oblivious to Pihu's growing impatience and hunger.

Pihu said frustratedly "Yaar, I'm starving! Let's grab something to eat. If you don't come with me right now, I won't cook for you for an entire week. Consider it a punishment."

By hearing this Shivani halt on her steps and said with a pleading tone "Hey, you don't have to do that. I'll pause my shopping for now, but please don't impose such a harsh punishment. You know I can't cook, and I rely on your culinary skills to survive." She gives Pihu a look with puppy eyes, hoping for forgiveness.

Relenting to Pihu's hunger-induced demands, Shivani agreed to take a break from her shopping. They headed to the food court, where Pihu eagerly devoured her meal as if she had been deprived of food for days.


In Rathore Empire,

Within the premises of Rathore Empire, the atmosphere was charged with a sense of authority and power.

Rudra said in a commanding voice "Is everything ready, Veer?"

Veer replied him "Yes, Boss. Our goods are prepared, and we can proceed to the mall for inspection."

By hearing Boss from Veer, Rudra said in a cold tone "Alright. How many times do I have to tell you, Veer? Just call me by my name when we are alone. You know we're like family."

Veer by hearing this smile formed on his lips and he replied "Okay, Rudra, but you know I respect you as my boss, the 'Great Rudra Singh Rathore,' whom everyone fears. So, I will continue to address you as 'Boss' in front of others."

Rudra said "As you wish. Let's go because this shipment is of utmost importance, and I won't tolerate any mistakes." Because he doesn’t want to force Veer by imposing his will.

The duo set off, with two cars preceding them and two following closely behind. Rudra's imposing presence demanded protection, and approximately 20 men accompanied him to ensure his safety. Onlookers believed that Rudra had arrived at the mall for a routine inspection of his business empire, unaware of the true purpose behind his visit—to ensure the smooth handling and concealment of illegal gold bars and drugs hidden within innocuous showpieces.

Pihu’s POV,

The Sunday was unfolding as a day of relaxation and enjoyment for Pihu and Shivani. However, their tranquility was disrupted by the sudden commotion and crowd near the mall entrance. Pihu couldn't help but question the reason behind the chaos, directing her inquiry towards Shivani.

Pihu being curious and puzzled asked her friend "Shivani, why is there such a huge crowd gathered at the mall entrance?"

By hearing Pihu question Shivani replies with a bored expression as she is not interested "Oh, nothing. It's just Rudra Singh Rathore inspecting the mall. Girls are going crazy over his looks and wealth, hence the uproar."

Pihu acknowledges the information given by Shivani and said further "Oh, I see. I'll go to the restroom. Wait for me here."

Shivani nodded towards Pihu and said "Alright, take your time."

While Pihu was returning from the restroom, she noticed a group of suspicious-looking men heading towards the fire exit. Intrigued and alarmed, she made a spontaneous decision to follow them. Eavesdropping on their conversation, Pihu discovered their intentions of smuggling illegal goods. A surge of panic coursed through her veins, and she hurriedly left the scene to reunite with Shivani, contemplating whether or not she should inform the police about the situation.

Ultimately, Pihu made the resolute choice to contact the authorities, reaching out to the police through her phone.

Pihu: (on the phone) "Hello."

Police Officer: (responding) "Hello, ma'am. How can I assist you?"

Pihu: (anxiously) "Sir, I am calling to inform you about the illegal smuggling taking place at XYZ Mall."

Police Officer: (assuringly) "Alright, ma'am, we'll be on our way. But before that, may I know who you are?"

Before Pihu could provide any further information, her phone was snatched from her hands. She turned to see Shivani looking visibly tense, her actions perplexing Pihu.

Pihu asked confusedly "Shivani, what are you doing?"

Shivani said in a worried tone "I overheard your conversation. Have you lost your mind? Why did you complain? Why do you want to become Jhansi ki Rani? Huh?"

Pihu bewildered by hearing Shivani and asked "I don't understand, Shivani. What are you saying?"

Shivani asked anxiously "Do you know who RSR is? How powerful he is? What he does? Wait, let me show you."

Shivani swiftly displayed an article about RSR on her mobile, leaving Pihu in shock as she read about Rudra's notorious reputation as a mafia king, his involvement in illegal businesses, and the dubious means through which he built Rathore Empire. Pihu couldn't help but argue against the validity of the accusations.

But Pihu is unable to digest this much information and try to argue "But it could be false accusations, Shivani."

By hearing Pihu response Shivani hit her head lightly and said firmly "You know my dad is a police inspector. He informed me about Rudra and even mentioned how the writer of this article died in a car accident. The police lacked evidence against Rudra, and the case was closed. Everyone fears him, so you should too. Never cross paths with the devil, Pihu. You are too innocent. In today's world, nothing is black and white, only shades of gray. We must be cautious at all times. Don't forget why you came here—focus on achieving your dreams and stay away from unnecessary troubles."

Pihu said reflecting on her actions “You're right, Shivani. But you all know that when something wrong is happening in front of me, I can't help but become ‘Jhansi ki Rani’. I can't tolerate wrongdoing."

But now Shivani main concern is how they will hide themselves from tracking them, so she said “The main problem now is that they can track you through your SIM card, whether it's Rudra or the police. Let's think about what we can do."

By hearing Shivani, Pihu also become concerned but suddenly an idea came into her mind and she said "Let me destroy my SIM card by flushing it down the toilet. If they happen to question me, I'll simply tell them that someone stole my phone. That way, they won't suspect my involvement."

Shivani also agreed with Pihu idea, so she said "That's a great idea. Let's do it."

Unknown Pov,

On the phone call, a man's voice exuded a chilling confidence and determination.

Man speaking with conviction "Hello, boss. Everything is ready. RSR will be going to die."

Unknown individual (??) said coldly and ruthlessly "I don't want any mistake. You understand? I want that bastard Rudra dead, and make sure he dies on the spot. If you fail to do your job, then don't come back alive. Or else, I will give you such a brutal death, one that you or your family can't even imagine."

The call abruptly ended, leaving the man with a sinister smile. In his mind, he relished the thought of Rudra Singh Rathore's impending demise.

He thought internally "Just breathe for a few more hours, Rudra Singh Rathore. Then you will be going to hell. I am once again going to become the king of the business world."





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Pooja Gupta

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I am writer on wattpad, however, now I am currently uploading my book here. I hope you all support me in this writing journey and give contribution. So, I can write more stories in the future.

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Pooja Gupta

I am accountant by profeesion. But like to write in my free time.