
Author’s POV,

In the bustling mall, Pihu and Shivani hurried towards the exit, their minds set on leaving as soon as possible. However, their plans were interrupted when a 5-year-old girl collided with Pihu, and tears immediately welled up in her eyes. Concerned, Pihu knelt down to the little girl's level and gently asked, "Oh, sweetheart, what happened? Why are you crying? Did you hurt yourself when you fell?"

Amidst sobs, the little girl managed to reply, "No, Didi, I'm not hurt, but I can't find my mom. She went to the restroom, leaving me at our seat, telling me not to move. But I wandered off to the play section, and now I can't find her."

Pihu's voice turned soothing as she cooed, "It's okay, don't cry. We'll help you find your mother. Can you tell us your name?" The little girl sniffled and replied, "My name is Saumya."

Pihu smiled warmly and introduced herself, saying, "That's a very nice name. I'm Pihu." She gestured towards Shivani and continued, "And she's Shivani, my friend."

Determined to help Saumya, both Pihu and Shivani embarked on a mission to locate her mother, oblivious to the world around them. Unbeknownst to them, a pair of eyes watched their every move, captivated by Pihu's compassion. Rudra entered the mall and couldn't tear his gaze away from Pihu, wondering why he felt so drawn to her. But he dismissed his thoughts as Pihu disappeared from his line of sight.

Eventually, Pihu and Shivani successfully located Saumya's mother, who expressed immense gratitude for their assistance in reuniting her with her daughter.






After Pihu disappeared from Rudra's sight, he made his way to his secret hideout where his illegal shipment was stored. With a stern demeanor, he inspected the goods and issued instructions to his worker. "I won't tolerate any mistakes," he warned, his voice filled with a menacing edge. "The 'Great RSR' doesn't forgive mistakes, and those who make them will pay with their lives."

However, Rudra's focus was interrupted when a panicked man burst into the room. The man trembled as he spoke, "B-Boss, the police have arrived outside with a search warrant, and they've sealed off all the exits of the mall."

Rudra's anger flared at the news. He turned to Veer, his voice dripping with frustration. "Veer, how did the police find out? I explicitly told you that everything needed to be perfect."

Veer grew fearful, not for himself, but for the police officers. He knew that no officer in the city had the courage to search RSR's property and said "I'm sorry, boss.”

In an irritated tone, Rudra commanded, "Fine, transfer the goods through the secret tunnel that connects the mall to the godown. Ensure that the shipment reaches its destination on time. Let's see who has the audacity to search my property."

Together, Rudra and Veer made their way to the mall entrance where the police were waiting. Rudra's eyes locked onto the officer in charge, Shaurya Shekhawat, who had been relentlessly pursuing him for his illegal activities over the past two years. Despite Shaurya's efforts, he had been unable to gather sufficient evidence to arrest Rudra. Rudra approached him confidently.

"Hello, CBI Officer Shaurya Shekhawat," Rudra greeted in a calm yet cold voice. "What brings you here, Mr.Shekhawat?"

Maintaining his professional tone, Shaurya responded, "Hello, Mr. Rathore. We received intelligence that an illegal shipment was being transferred from this mall. Therefore, we are obligated to conduct a thorough search. I hope you will cooperate."

Rudra smirked, his satisfaction evident. "Of course, Officer. You are welcome to search the premises."

The police diligently combed through every corner of the mall but found no evidence of illegal activity. With their search coming up empty, they prepared to leave. Rudra's smirk widened as he once again emerged victorious, convinced that no one could defeat him, Rudra Singh Rathore. However, his triumph was short-lived as a fire suddenly broke out in the mall, causing panic among the crowd. People frantically rushed towards the exits.

Rudra quickly took charge, issuing orders to ensure everyone's safety. "Make sure everyone leaves the mall safely," he commanded. Turning to Veer, he added, "Veer, go to the CCTV room and check every corner of the mall to ensure no one is left behind."

Meanwhile, Shaurya called for firefighters and instructed other police officers to assist in evacuating everyone present in the mall, prioritizing their safety above all else.




As Pihu and Shivani made their way towards the mall exit, Pihu spotted Saumya amidst the crowd, her mother nowhere in sight. Concerned, Pihu approached Saumya and asked, "Where is your mother, Saumya?" Saumya replied, "I lost my mother when everyone started running."

Pihu turned to Shivani and said, "Shivani, take her outside. I'll search for her mother. If you find her, call me." Shivani agreed and handed her phone to Pihu, knowing that Pihu's phone lacked a SIM card.

Her heart raced with adrenaline as she searched desperately for Saumya's mother. The weight of the situation lifted when her phone rang, Shivani's voice carrying relief, "Pihu, I found Saumya's mother!"

Breathing a sigh of relief, Pihu prepared to make her exit from the mall. But her eyes suddenly locked onto a chilling scene unfolding on the first floor. A man brandished a gun, aiming it directly at Rudra. Without a second thought, Pihu's instincts took over, propelling her towards Rudra in a rush to protect him.

As she pushed Rudra with all her strength, they both fell to the floor, their bodies intertwined. In that fleeting moment, their eyes locked, conveying a multitude of unspoken emotions. In the midst of this brief moment, a gunshot echoed through the air, followed closely by another, as Shaurya's bullet found its mark, thwarting the assassin's deadly intentions.

Pihu's heart pounded in her chest as the sound of the gunshots reverberated through her being. Seeking solace and shelter, she sought refuge, hiding her face in Rudra's chest and muffling the noise by covering her ears. In the aftermath, a tense silence enveloped them, stretching for what felt like an eternity, until they finally rose from the floor, Pihu body trembling with the remnants of danger.

Rudra was astonished, realizing that the girl he had noticed when entering the mall had just saved his life. He is filled with a mix of shock and gratitude, gazed at Pihu, unable to find the words to express his awe at her heroic act. He watched her every movement with intensity, his steely exterior momentarily softened by the unanticipated emotions stirring within him.

Shaurya approached Pihu and asked, "Are you alright, miss?" Pihu nodded and was about to leave, but she felt a sharp pain in her ankle, having twisted it while saving Rudra. Shaurya kindly offered his assistance, helping her make her way out of the mall.

As Pihu departed, Veer approached Rudra and inquired his voice filled with worry and concern, "Are you alright, Rudra?" Rudra's voice took on a dreamy tone as he responded, "I'm fine, Veer. But I want you to find out everything about the girl who saved me because I think I've found my love." Suddenly, his voice turned cold and dark. "And find out how the fire started and who had the audacity to plan my murder." With that, he walked away.

Veer was shocked to hear the word 'love' uttered by Rudra, as he had never believed his boss cum friend would experience such emotions. Nonetheless, Veer was happy for Rudra, albeit concerned about his actions. He prayed that Rudra wouldn't let his newfound obsession with Pihu lead him astray, for Rudra was unfamiliar with the concept of love, and Veer sensed the intensity of Rudra's feelings for her.

"And that day from the depths of his untamed soul, Rudra discovered a love that roared louder than his ferocious growl." 

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Pooja Gupta

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I am writer on wattpad, however, now I am currently uploading my book here. I hope you all support me in this writing journey and give contribution. So, I can write more stories in the future.

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Pooja Gupta

I am accountant by profeesion. But like to write in my free time.