
Author’s POV,

Veer was shocked to hear the word 'love' uttered by Rudra, as he had never believed his boss cum friend would experience such emotions. Nonetheless, Veer was happy for Rudra, albeit concerned about his actions. He prayed that Rudra wouldn't let his newfound obsession with Pihu lead him astray, for Rudra was unfamiliar with the concept of love, and Veer sensed the intensity of Rudra's feelings for her.

Outside the mall,

Shivani's heart raced with worry as she anxiously awaited Pihu's return. Her mind swirled with thoughts of her best friend's safety, yearning to rush inside and search for her. However, the fire fighter officers barred her entry, leaving her feeling helpless. Just as despair threatened to consume her, she spotted Pihu emerging from the mall's entrance, but her relief turned to alarm as she noticed Pihu limping. With concern overtaking her, she hurried towards her, determined to offer assistance.

Saumya's mother, too, caught sight of Pihu's injured state and rushed to her side, driven by instincts. Shaurya extended his support to Pihu, carefully guiding her towards her worried friend. He gently helped her settle into the ambulance, ensuring she received the medical attention she required for her injured legs.

As Shivani and Saumya's mother reached Pihu's side, Shivani's voice trembled with worry as she bombarded Pihu with questions, "Are you alright, Pihu?"

Knowing her friend's unwavering concern, Pihu endeavoured to soothe Shivani's anxieties. She mustered a calm demeanor and replied, "I'm fine, Shivani. There's no need to worry. It's just a twisted ankle, nothing serious."

Further, Shivani asked “But how do you gwt injured?” Pihu panicked as she doesn’t know how she should reply to her question. Noticing the hesitancy in Pihu's response, Shivani sensed that something more had transpired. Determined to uncover the truth, she turned to Shaurya and pleaded, "Officer, please tell me how she got injured."

Shaurya recounted the events, divulging Pihu's brave act of pushing Rudra out of harm's way and the subsequent injury she had sustained. Shivani seethed with anger upon hearing Shaurya's disclosure, but she chose to remain silent for the time being. Dealing with that matter could wait; right now, her priority was addressing Pihu’s injury.

With concern etched on his face, Shaurya spoke directly to Pihu, his voice carrying a mix of admiration and caution, "Ms. Pihu, I hope you won't take such risks again. There are people who worry about you deeply. However, I must say, you displayed immense bravery—first helping a child and then saving someone from a gunshot."

Pihu humbly replied, her voice tinged with a sense of purpose, "I simply lend a hand because I understand how it feels to be in need without anyone to rely on. But I will also follow your advice, Officer Shaurya. I'll prioritize my own safety before offering help." She glanced at Shivani, knowing she had to reassure her friend. "Thank you for your assistance. I truly appreciate it."

Impressed by Pihu's courage and humility, Shaurya felt a growing fondness for her. However, he recognized that now was not the right time to explore those feelings. Leaving their connection to the whims of fate, he bid them farewell, his attention returning to the situation at hand.

Expressing their gratitude, Saumya's mother and Saumya also thanked Pihu and Shivani for their assistance before departing. The doctor examined Pihu's legs, advising her to rest for two days and providing a prescription for her recovery. Together, Pihu and Shivani set off towards their apartment, their emotions still lingering from the intense events of the day.

Next day,

In the grandeur of Rathore Empire, Rudra found himself engulfed in an endless stream of meetings, one after another. From the early hours of the morning, he had barely found a moment to nourish himself with breakfast. Yet, his mind remained preoccupied with thoughts of his beloved, rendering him absentminded and distant throughout the proceedings. Every passing minute felt like an eternity as he yearned for respite from his hectic schedule, eagerly awaiting Rajveer's arrival with any news about the object of his affection.

A soft knock reverberated through the walls of his office, prompting Rudra to invite the person inside.  He said “Come in”As Rajveer entered, holding a file brimming with information about Pihu, Rudra's heart skipped a beat. Taking the file in his hands, his gaze intently locked onto the pages that held the essence of her being.

"Pihu Gupta," he whispered, tracing the words with his finger. A smile crept upon his lips, the lines of his face softening with a mix of anticipation and delight. He read further:

Age-21 Year old

Education- Pursuing MBA and doing internship from Rathore Empire. (By reading this, a smile forms on Rudra lips because it’s become easy for Rudra to approach her).

Mother – Neha Gupta, a Housewife

Father – Dev Gupta, Owner of small bakery shop in Varanasi.

Brothers- Ankit and Aakash Gupta

Page after page, Rudra delved deeper into the contents, devouring every morsel of knowledge about Pihu. Her likes, her dislikes, her dreams, her cherished friendships - each revelation breathed life into his yearning soul. With every passing word, a growing sense of something profound overtook him. He could not fully comprehend the intensity of his emotions, but one thing was clear - he did not wish to resist this all-encompassing feeling. He longed to immerse himself in it, to surrender to its depths and never resurface. As his lips curled into a smile, the magnitude of his desire shone through, illuminating the room with an undeniable intensity.

In that moment, surrounded by the grandeur of Rathore Empire, Rudra found himself enveloped in the embrace of an emotion he had never experienced before. The power of his infatuation drove him forward, propelling him towards a future where Pihu's presence would intertwine with his own. With every word and every revelation, Rudra's obsession deepened, casting a spell upon his heart that refused to be broken.

Rajveer's watchful gaze observed every fleeting expression that adorned Rudra's face, and within his discerning eyes, a realization began to crystallize. It was no longer just love that consumed his boss; it was an all-consuming obsession. Rajveer, burdened with this knowledge, could only pray fervently to the heavens that Rudra would find happiness without causing harm to the innocent.

Interrupting the silence, Rudra's voice sliced through the air, jolting Rajveer out of his reverie. "I want you to assign two bodyguards to protect Pihu. They must ensure her safety whenever she steps foot outside, and I expect daily updates on her activities."

Nodding solemnly, Rajveer replied, "Understood. However, we still need to address the incident from yesterday. We were unable to determine the culprits behind the attempted attack on you. Until we uncover their identities, you must remain vigilant."

Rudra's eyes, brimming with an unyielding resolve, locked onto Rajveer's. A grim smile curved upon his lips as he uttered his next words, laden with a chilling certainty. "You know, Veer, there is only one person who possesses the intellect and audacity to orchestrate my demise."

Veer was left dumbfounded by Rudra's revelation. He mustered the courage to speak, his voice trembling with disbelief. "But...you killed him, didn't you? How is he still alive?" Veer stood in stunned silence as Rudra's words washed over him, unable to comprehend the depths of his friend's intentions.

The chilling darkness that clouded Rudra's eyes mirrored the cold and emotionless tone in which he spoke, tightly controlling his anger. "No, Veer. He didn't die that day because I wanted him to suffer. I wanted him to endure unimaginable pain, so that the entire world would learn never to cross paths with Rudra Singh Rathore," Rudra stated with conviction. He continued, his voice growing colder, "He desired to eliminate me, fearing that I would usurp his status and power, recognizing the threat I posed to his authority. However, now I possess all the power, for in this world, power and money are the sole currencies worshipped by people."

Veer couldn't reconcile his beliefs with Rudra's ideologies and felt compelled to challenge him. "Not everyone shares that perspective, Rudra," Veer asserted, his voice filled with determination. "Take Pihu, for instance. She doesn't conform to your generalization. That's why you're drawn to her, isn't it?"

A fleeting smile danced upon Rudra's lips upon hearing Pihu's name. "You're right, Veer," he acknowledged, his voice tinged with both amusement and fascination. "Pihu is a rare exception—a delicate angel navigating this ruthless world. That's precisely why devils exist, to protect their angels and safeguard their innocence from the cruelty that surrounds us."

Yet, the lingering question remained unanswered: Who would save this angel from the clutches of the very devil who claimed her? It was an enigma, a truth etched in the stars. Perhaps angels could only save themselves by taming the devils within, or risk being consumed by the darkness and fragmented into irreparable pieces.

As Rajveer prepared to leave his office, a sudden inquiry from Rudra halted him in his tracks. The weight of the impending confession burdened Rajveer, for he was unsure how to divulge the truth to Rudra—the truth that his newfound love was the very person who had informed the police about their illicit shipment. The impatience emanating from Rudra's piercing gaze only intensified the nervousness that gripped Rajveer.

An air of impatience and intense scrutiny emanated from Rudra's piercing gaze, compelling Rajveer to disclose the unsettling truth. Nervously, Rajveer stammered, "I-it's Pihu."

Rudra was struck with incredulity, his mind struggling to accept the revelation. "Who?" he demanded, seeking confirmation.

In Rajveer's mind, the image of his friend and boss losing touch with reality due to Pihu's inadvertent betrayal flickered briefly. Despite his reservations, Rajveer confirmed once more, "It's Pihu." He proceeded to recount the details of Pihu's actions, presenting the damning evidence captured by the mall's CCTV footage. Rajveer also mentioned Pihu's close friend Shivani, who possessed intimate knowledge of Rudra's affairs by virtue of her father's position as a police officer.

Upon hearing this revelation, Rudra erupted into laughter, his reaction resembling that of someone hearing a great joke. Rajveer contemplated the need to call a psychiatrist, fearing that Rudra's sanity had teetered on the edge. However, Rudra quickly regained composure, speaking to no one in particular. "So, I have found my life partner—an extraordinary woman, brave and intelligent. Love, you may not outwit me. I have discovered that you were the one who informed the police. But fear not, my love. Just wait a little longer, and you will find yourself in my embrace. You need not love me, but accept me with all my flaws, and I will love you with the entirety of my being."

Rajveer absorbed Rudra's words in silence, grappling with his own confusion and uncertainty. Words eluded him, leaving the path ahead entrusted to the hands of destiny, where fate would ultimately unravel their intertwined lives.





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Pooja Gupta

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I am writer on wattpad, however, now I am currently uploading my book here. I hope you all support me in this writing journey and give contribution. So, I can write more stories in the future.

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Pooja Gupta

I am accountant by profeesion. But like to write in my free time.